Land Entitlement & Permitting Services
We provide a full analysis of your project with detailed parcel data including land characteristics, utility availability, surrounding development in process, project feasibility, parcel specifics that may be detrimental to a profitable development, and the likely scenario that your parcel will dictate during horizontal construction.
Concept Plan
Understanding and being involved in the ever-changing and complicated land entitlement process gives us the ability to assess your parcel and ensure you know what the probable outcome of your next rezoning or use on review application will be. This can help you negotiate your purchase price based on the reality of uses and lot yield, not the maximum your parcel could yield in a best-case scenario.
Civil Design
We simplify the design portion of your project from the approved Concept Plan to the Land Disturbance Permit as the single point of contact between you and the civil, hydrologic, geotechnical, and utility engineers involved in your project. We will coordinate with multiple parties and government agencies to ensure clear communication and information being relayed quickly to keep your design phase to keep your design and permitting on schedule, getting you to horizonatal construction efficiently.
Getting your TDEC Notice of Coverage and LDP is critical to keeping your project timeline on track. We will optimize your submittal and review process to guarantee it's in hand to keep your project on schedule.